Saturday, August 28, 2010

The eastern voice (Contd..)

The oppressor will gladly cooperate with the liberating oppressed and yield only when liberation is a enjoyable experience and hence a lovable act. In such a situation both by yielding are winning and cannot distinguish who liberates whom. Also none is vanquished and humiliated. No wonder the catalan mystic declared that ‘Love unites that are free and frees that are united’. Hence neither the working class nor even the male can be the liberator because they cannot love the oppressor. Hence it will be task of the woman. She is the only being that can extend her love to the adversary who is her natural partner and one who cannot be happy without her. It also involves her emancipation, which involves universal emancipation.

That section of women needs peace very much will take up this task. Hence in today’s context it will be the Islamic women. In the post second world war period the highest number of young widows and orphans will only be amidst the Islamic peoples. The main cause unquestionably is the US imperialism today. Hence their struggle will be anti-imperialistic. Further today the UN too has been rendered almost an impotent body.

Once the Arab oil is exhausted Israel will be abandoned by the US rulers. The Jews should not forget the fact that the US rulers were unconcerned about the Jews who were simply exterminated like Vermins by the Hilterite Nazis. The Jews of Israel should not have any faith on arms or a continuous support of the US rulers. They should follow a different path. They should know the great truth that ‘God saves and protects those whom he makes at first compassionate. This should be recognized by our Jewish mothers.

The most crucial position is that of the mothers of the Indian subcontinent in general and that of Pakistan. They should struggle for the nuclear disarmament. Such a struggle will be actively supported by the vast peasantry of the rural area (70%), which is potentially anti-imperialistic. This will be the starting point of the global struggle.

  1. The final liberation will be by the mother (woman), the starting will be by the Muslim mothers
  2. The crucial role will be that of the Indian subcontinent
  3. The vast rural section of the peasantry will take up such a task which will also a real struggle for peace as well one that will be to protect the Life-Base (Ecological)
  4. This can be guided only by those who firmly uphold the most revolutionary principle that the atom bomb is a paper tiger and hence it will be the greatest nonviolent struggle because it is a highly moral one.
  5. It will be the great contribution of Islam
  6. This can also be the basis of the program of the Pak-Ind-peoples forum for the peace and democracy

The great shift indeed the greatest one now needed at the global level is also the last one. It is an essential way a repetition at a higher level of the one that did happen in this land which really created the greater Bharath with its dozens of living peoples’ languages. The earlier shift happened between 12th and 15th centuries (AD). It was a shift from the sterile Gnana-Kharma Marga and it’s Dharma shastra to the life promoting Kainkarya Marga and its Dhaasa Baavya (yielding to win). It was the Bhakthi movement.

The Vidheeka Brahmins right from Sudharshanas, Shankaracharyaas and the heartless Bharathis make quote from the Gita’s first portion “Chatur varnam mayaa srishtaa” and declare that the Varnas and the Dharma Shastra justifying them were divine creations and hence try to reestablish another and create a new Bharath and in that process kill all the peoples’ languages calling them Raakshasha Bhashaas or Neecha Bhaashaas prattling in their greatest divine language, English. With an American slang to suit the interest of their English masters who sit and dictate from Washington, capital of their new heaven.

At the same time we should not forget the other very important fact that the great Ramanujacharya, the exponent of Sreebhaashya (the feminine interpretation), following the teachings of the great Tamil saints, the Alwars, the exponent of southern Vaishnavism could accept as the most essential teaching of the same Gita two slokaas from the last portion which start “Sarvadharmaan parithajya maam evam sharanam vaja” called the Charama sloka. It is in a real way a clear reputation of the first part hailed by the Vaidheeka Brahmins. It is the basis of the philosophy of the Charanaaghathi (sweet surrender to the divine as the way of freedom) which it shares with Islam (surrender to allah). No wonder the great sufi saint Kabir (Kabir Das) could readily shake hands and embrace the Vaishnavaites and this great Bharath including Pakistan and Bangladesh is unquestionably is the gift of these two and the culmination which is the Sikhism of the great saint Guru Nanak who really continued the revolutionary trend.

The great message of the earlier period was spread by the BCs, SCs, and women and it was the basis of the flowering of the living peoples’ languages while the Vaidheekas were bent upon killing all the peoples’ languages calling them Asura languages. They could not achieve their aim; the Bhakthi movement emanating from the south really defeated them. Today in modern Vaidheekas right from RSS to be PSEDO LEFT. All are bent upon crippling the peoples’ languages and there by pave the royal role to establish a new Varnaashram and enslave permanently the mighty majority. It was also a struggle against the priestly Islam which would also not accept the sufi (saintly) way. It is not at all surprising that the Sufi is considered as a threat even today not only by RSS and the English prattling modern Vaidheekas but also by a section of Mullahs.

To realize once again, this great humanity no doubt speaking hundreds of languages of peoples, we need to take up the great weapon of Kainkarya Maarga (loving service). As a true basis which only recognizes the cognitive, creative and libertive role of love and loving service. This is bound to be a global struggle headed by the mothers and this is the only way that can save the life base also.

About Me

“SN NAGARAJAN" is possibly the most interesting theoretician the Communist movement in India has brought forth in a long, long time. In his fifties, Nagaajan, who works with the radicals, is possibly the only original Marxist thinker in the land who concepualises a direct continuity between traditional Indian thought and contemporary Marxist theory. Trained as a biologist Nagarajan, rejects the predictable confrontation between traditional philosophy and Marxist dogma. In fact, he makes the former a basis for the future of Indian Marxism and constantly propounds the need for a sensible meaningful dialogue. While this makes him very popular with alternative thinkers and those who believe that the future of India depends very largely on our understanding of the past, it leaves him as a loner within the Marxist fold. A courageous, free thinking, intellectually original Marxist, who does not walk the beaten path. That is why he quit the CPI, was thrown out of the CPI-M and even fell out with Charu Majumdar.” - ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY OF INDIA, APRIL, 1985.